Tuesday, January 12, 2010

WIsdom... Good or evil?

Before i write, this is not a emo post lol... i no longer emo!!! ok .. hahaha
Just kidding... it is just...
A single thought had been wondering around my mind for the last few weeks..

This question: IS wisdom is good or bad?
Is knowledge good of bad.?

We human had been constantly seeking knowledge.. wanting to know more...

But if you think of it, it is knowledge that tell us what is good and bad..
And it is bad, evil that feeds on wisdom.
The 7 sins feeds on wisdom... it is because of knowledge and wisdom evil is born...

Viewing from a religious point of view, when god created Adam and eve.
Eve was tempted by the snake and bought the apple from the forbidden tree to Adam..
By eating the apple, they open the Pandora box, Adam and eve grew wisdom, they know what is shame, they know that they are naked... They gain the knowledge of lust, greed, gluttony, wrath, sloth, pride and envy... And thus evil is born....

And it is also because of knowledge, we know all this is evil, and those who had consciouses will try to prevent and stop themselves from committing sins...

Therefore i got a conclusion, that wisdom and knowledge is just like a double edge sword...
can be use for the good or for the bad ...

So is that the case that human are born evil, and they use knowledge for the bad..
or is that the case that human are born good, and it is knowledge and wisdom that corrupt their mind ...

if a baby or a kid who knows nothing, completely innocent, kills maybe a cat or a dog, but he don't know it is right or wrong, but just fun to himself, he would just laugh and walk away.
IS he in the wrong, is he evil... it is us with the wisdom/knowledge that judge it, and feel that it is completely sick...
but to the kid, it is not wrong...

chicken and egg? hmm or there is really an answer ..
guess this will be my first question that i will ask god when i go heaven lol!!!

just too many things is happening in my mind now ...
hmm lots of stuff... many things.... hahah wisdom and knowledge..
other then this, my career is moving well..
i am taking over most of HOD work.. i even too over her seat physically.. lol!

long way to go, tired but i am excited to explore what good things that lies ahead of me in the future hehe..

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